Authors in the Registration Form can choose where to publish their material and prepare it accordingly. All papers submitted to BIOMDLORE 2025 will undergo a peer-review process. Each manuscript will be reviewed using a double-blind review policy. All manuscripts must be written in English.
The possibilities for publishing in the selected publication will be evaluated and recommended by the reviewers, and the editors will make the final decision.
Students are encouraged to submit their research and to participate in the Student Competition. The best presentations made by the students will be awarded prizes and certificates.
Papers can be published in:
- Technology & Health Care journal, IOS Press (IF 1.4)
- Acta Mechanica et Automatica, Bialystok University of Technology (IF 1.0)
- IEEE Xplore Conference Proceedings
Guidelines for the Technology & Health Care (THC) journal
Authors are invited to submit full-length papers directly through the THC journal’s submission system. Submissions should be prepared according to the instructions in the journal’s Author Guidelines. All papers must be submitted no later than March 15, 2025, via the Online Submission System.
Authors are expected to present accepted papers at BIOMDLORE 2025, and at least one author is required to register, in order for the paper to be published.
Authors who wish to publish their manuscripts in THC will have to pay additional journal costs of 500 EUR, which are not included in the conference fee.
Guidelines for the Acta Mechanica et Automatica (AMA)
Authors are invited to submit full-length papers directly through the AMA journal’s submission system. Submissions should be prepared according to the instructions in the journal’s Author Guidelines. All papers must be submitted no later than August 15, 2025 via the Online Submission System. Final articles that have passed the peer-review process will be published by the end of 2025.
Authors are expected to present accepted papers at BIOMDLORE 2025, and at least one author is required to register, in order for the paper to be published.
No additional fees are charged.
Guidelines for the IEEE Xplore conference proceedings
Authors are invited to submit conference proceedings papers through the BIOMDLORE 2025 submission system. Submissions should be prepared according to the instructions in the publisher’s Author Guidelines. All papers must be submitted no later than August 15, 2025 via the Online Submission System. The final decision will be made no later than September 15th, 2025.
Authors are expected to present accepted papers at BIOMDLORE 2025, and at least one author is required to register, in order for the paper to be published.
No additional fees are charged.